What is saki sound

In its simplicity, the word and name saki means blossoming hope: sa representing blossoming and ki signifying hope. Hope, from its meaning to its evocation, is the heart of modest saki. Despite this, we occasionally revel in the irony of playing with concepts and ideas that juxtapose hope. Our intention, first and foremost, is to elicit emotions that blossom into hope. the motives in the mantra, the mantras in the name; modest blossoming hope.

Although very literal, saki sound is the adaption of blossoming hope tuned to the superior medium of music. Which, in all actuality, is patterned sound. 


Walter Pater said "all art constantly aspires to the condition of music". What is the condition of music?

Music has the ability to convey an aesthetic message in purely abstract terms, through the manipulation of tonality, without recourse to words or other representational symbols. In the visual arts over the last 200 years, one can see a gradual shift towards the elevation of colour, line and structure over purely pictorial elements, culminating in full abstraction. This is the aspiration of art towards the condition of music.

Other arts are representational – using other media to evoke or recreate the real-world experiences… But music so unifies form and content that it needs no such external references: what you hear is all there is. 

Notes and queries: What is the condition of music? The Guardian (1/3/2012)

The Impact of Music on Community

“One small example of many of the rule of music when you look at America in the history of the relation of our white and black brothers and sisters is that most of us would acknowledge that our musicians have done much more to humanize relations than sociologists, philosophers, economist or politicians… Why because the music takes us higher in language of Sly Stone. It allows us to transcend all of the pettiness that gets in the way of the humanity of black and white folks and we're not talking any kind of naïveté here we know when this song is over Jim crow is still in place.”

The Impact of Music on Community; Cornel West Teaches Philosophy Cornel West, MasterClass (11/18/2021)


So what? 

The Artist’s Struggle for Integrity 

“The poets (by which I mean all artists) are finally the only people who know the truth about us. Soldiers don’t. Statesmen don’t. Priests don’t. Union leaders don’t. Only the poets.” 

The Artist’s Struggle for Integrity  James Baldwin (11/29/1962)

In societies defined by complacency, the artist has irritated the fragile skin of dominant powers. Cornel West says, “speaking truth to the power and the powerless.” Through the aesthetic form of music, artists have stood as constant companions and comforters for the masses; in times of joy, sorrow, defeat, despair, death and disappointment. Reminding people of the possibilities of love still lingering in a world full of deterioration. The artist has served as the voice of the voiceless, the amplifier of the unamplified and the lover of the unloved. The universal language of music has ignited the souls of the universe in dance clubs to city streets to break down unjust social structures due to the vivid imagination of the artist. Reminding us of what we are but also what we have the power to become.

The Role of Artist in Human Civilization WLR III (12/23/2021)

Curated for your listening pleasure, with tracks enlisted by saki friends and family, we present to you our first inclusion to the saki sound library. In whatever space you may find yourself listening – mentally, physically, spiritually, astrologically– we hope saki sound finds you well. And though it may depart from your physical ear, may its frequency forever find you when you seek it.


Featured Artist

anonymous, B E R R A Y È, Blessy, iilest, Jungwoo Chang, Justo, Lvrboy., Splashh


Jessica, Josiah, WLR III

